Monday, November 26, 2012

Baby "S' Newborn Photos

It has been a busy year here at The Mirrored Image Photography. With Christmas coming it is busier than ever!  Over the summer I was lucky enough to do some maternity photos for Baby S's mother, E.  I was so happy when I got the phone call that S was born and there were newborn photos to be taken.  Pictures like these make great Christmas Cards, which we could design too or newborn announcements.  I was thrilled with these,  I hope you like them too!  Babies are so great and Baby S is such a sweetie!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Cards

Christmas Photos and Christmas Photo Cards are well under way now..I finally sat down to design my own and I thought I would share so that you can see some of the things we have been designing for people!  Lucy loved playing with the lights and we made sure they didn't get put in her mouth.  Overall it was a fun and east photo shoot because the christmas lights kept her happy!
Let me know what you think!  They go to the printer tomorrow :)
...and here is one of the other photos that I loved from that shoot.  Dave's grandmother knit the sweater and hat before she passed away, what I nice way to keep that memory put it up in the house or on a card.